Organisational consulting

- Consultation on founding commercial companies
- Consultation on creating and changing statutory documents and the internal guidelines of the company
- Consultation on creating, changing and cancelling commercial-law, civil-law and labour-law relations
- Consultation on receivables administration
- Consultation on negotiations before substantively and locally competent state administrative authorities and local governments
- Consultation on the application of generally binding legal obligations and conditions of the company
One of the pillars of a successful and prosperous company is a functional organisation structure and a system of retroactive controlling mechanisms. The organisation structure must clearly define the rights and obligations of individual functions and ensure cooperation at all management levels. If the organisation structure functions correctly it improves work productivity and efficiency and gives a clear review of employee activity.
At a certain phase, company development is closely linked to the need to delegate rights and obligations due to rising responsibility and time involvement of the management. It is best if the delegation process concurs with expansion. However, this seldom happens in practice and usually there is an organisational crisis, which results in higher costs, lower productivity and profits.
One of the keys is to realise what phase your company is at and to prevent a crisis by timely implementing a management system. You will thus become a systemic company that is more competitive and interesting to your customers.

One of our specialised activities is crisis management for companies that are facing extraordinary problems, where radical steps must be taken to rescue and revive the enterprise.
During corporate crisis management, we focus on all the fundamental elements of company operation – cost management, cash flow management, solving receivables and liabilities, solving the financing of crucial investments, solving the corporate management system, human resources, use or sale of unused assets, company restructuring, creating subsidiaries and joint ventures…
We consider this cooperation in the most effective possible form to be one of the essential parts of our services, because even the best company development study won’t improve the situation if its principles are not strictly applied in practice.
The result of our work is a situation where employees have clearly divided and defined tasks and can solve them with a clear objective – the company’s long-term prosperity and profit.